Flour properties and process theory of ruffle noodle
Category: News
Date: 2014-05-23
Click: 634
Author: Dahua
  The major material is flour that also named flour of wheat in producing ruffle noodle. Farina reacts with ptyalin, and glucose that can be absorbed by man will be made when people are chewing.
  The major material is flour that also named flour of wheat in producing ruffle noodle. The main parts in flour are farina that is 70percent and flour tendon that is 30 percent. The main parts of flour tendon are glue albumen and corny albumen, and flour tendon is the carrier of two proteins. Base of protein usually distributes equably in grains of starch. When add water in, protein can aggregate into structure of net. Flour could be made into noodle because of structure of net that has flexibility, pull and intensity. Men usually question how much is flour tendon in flour in marks, main content of wet flour tendon in farina. Other reason is that farina who has pectic in noodle can form compact organize and turn into every kinds of form, and its plasticity is very good, in addition, it is easy to cook. 
  Numerator structure of farina has two joint types, one named chain farina, is crystalloid, the numerator lines closely like chain with close structure, and water almost can’t infiltrates. The other named ramiform farina hasn’t regular shape like branch and sponge, and water easily infiltrate. Usually structure of starch is chain, the structure will change from chain to branch in some condition, such as high damp and high temperature, this process is called a-turn, and it often is called paste turn. After paste turn, the ramiform farina will turn into chain starch, which is cooled and dried naturally in short time ( about 1~2 hour), this phenomena is called β-turn, and called coming back to life too. 
  Numerators of farina a-turn are arranging loose like sponge, and water can infiltrate easily. Farina reacts with ptyalin, and glucose that can be absorbed by man will be made when people are chewing. Numerators of Farina, Without a-turn or by a-turn but come back to life, have close structure, are difficult to be chewed, and water and saliva almost can’t infiltrates. So farina can’t turn all or mostly to quantity of heat man need and gulcide man can absorb. 
  To avoid farina coming back to life, we should reduce content of water in farina under 12% quickly and fix structure of ramiform farina. We can get good food shortly through adding water and raising temperature before eat. The phenomenon is named farina backwater. Because of farina  α-turn, Dahua noodle could be dried or fried, fix a-turn, backwater. 
  One wheat grain has been turned into small grains diameter is 2~38μm after wheat is made to flour. Primary capillary has been destroyed. Style of absorb is mainly infiltrates because of only some holes on face small grains. So we need definite time and press to aggregate water and protein into structure of net. In order to get good flexibility and slippy farina that can’t melt, Chain numerators of flour tendon arrange along one direction and forms compact structure of net by added salt and alkali. 
  In order to transform noodleα-turn quicker and more, dried and fried quicker, and backwater in shorter time before eaten, the area of noodle touch with steam and water is added. So requests of producing condition and throughput can be brought forward base on the characteristic of flour and the principle of machining noodle, and the set of equipment of producing noodle line can be designed too. 
  Requests and means how to mix flour, water and alkalis in producing noodle: 
  Content of wet flour tendon should be 28~34 percent in flour, because it is adverse to produce when it is too low or too high. When it is too low, flour tendon will be destroyed because its quantity isn’t enough, and noodle will be unfreezing while cooking it. If content is too high, affinity between flour and water will reduce, and water isn’t easy infiltrating to center of flour grains. Then noodle strap will not be even, and farinaα-turn and backwater of product will reduce, and time of backwater will add by reduce ratio of flour and water. 
  Content of flour should be accord with national standard, flour should be tested sample after bought. In order to protect machines, Flour there isn’t impurity in should be put into machine after filtration. Water used for mixing, whose scleroses are under 10mg per liter, should be accord with middle sclerotic water standard of national healthful food standard. 
  Salt in mixing is common salt, and alkali can be mixed or single. Basis of alkali is sodium carbonate and potash with water. There are 60 percent sodium carbonate and 40 percent potash in mixed alkali, and only sodium carbonate without water in single alkali. Generally speaking, mixed alkali has better effect than single alkali. 
  Directions for producing chemicals or metallurgical products (only reference): 
Flour:100 kg 
Water:28~36 kg (ratio of water and flour is 28~36 percent) 
Salt:0.5~2 kg (ratio of salt and flour is 0.5~2 percent) 
Mixed alkali:0.14~0.2 kg (ratio of alkali and flour is 0.14~0.2 percent) 
Every client can adjust these ratios base on content of water in flour, content of wet flour tendon and taste of local person, and add eggs or other additives.

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